Table of Contents | ||||
1. Overview
The Sharing product details API is used by an AISP to request an ASPSP to retrieve list of products details and features.
2. Endpoints
S. No.
HTTP Operation
Grant Type
Message Signing
Idempotency Key
Request Object
Response Object
sharing product details
GET /sharing-product-details
Client Credentials
Signed Response
3. Data Models
The data dictionary section gives the detail on the payload content for the Sharing Product Details API flows
3.1 Sharing Product Details – Response
The OBReadSharingProductDetails object will be used for the call to:
GET /sharing-product-details
3.1.1 UML Diagram
3.1.2 Notes
The sharing-product-details response contains the full payload of all the products sent by ASPSP.
Below are the products:
Credit Cards
Fund Transfer Services
Each of the products contains below elements:
Product Details
Terms and Conditions
3.1.3 Data Dictionary
The fields mentioned in the UML diagram are basic product details and features for banks to incorporate in the APIs. Based on the specific cases and applicability, banks may choose to increase the fields for sharing with the AISPs. Also, banks that are not offering any products/services might choose not to build them in the APIs.
List of Credit card products
This Section covers basic product description
Product category name used by ASPSPs
Product category code used by ASPSPs
A brief description of the product
Product Code for Banks operational purpose
Sub-Product Code for Banks operational purpose
Product URL
Product segment such as lifestyle, travel, reward points, etc.
Table of Contents | ||||
1. Version Control
Version | Date | Description of Changes |
Bahrain OBF v1.0.0 | 25th Aug 2020 | Initial Release |
2. Overview
The Sharing product details API is used by an AISP to request an ASPSP to retrieve list of products details and features.
3. Endpoints
S. No. | Resource | HTTP Operation | Endpoint | Mandatory | Scope | Grant Type | Request Object | Response Object |
3.1 | sharing product details | GET | GET /sharing-product-details | Mandatory | Client Credentials | No | NA | OBReadSharingProductDetails |
4. Data Models
The data dictionary section gives detail on the payload content for the Sharing Product Details API flows.
4.1 Sharing Product Details – Response
The OBReadSharingProductDetails object will be used for the call to:
GET /sharing-product-details
4.1.1 UML Diagram
4.1.2 Notes
The sharing-product-details response contains the full payload of all the products sent by ASPSP.
Below are the products:
Credit Cards
Loans- In Islamic banking, this field is referred to as ‘Financings’
CASA- Current Account and Savings Account
Investment- In Islamic banking, this field is referred to as ‘Investment Account’
Fund Transfer Services
Each of the products contains below elements:
Product Details
Terms and Conditions
In addition, the following information can be requested through the Sharing Product Details API
4.1.3 Data Dictionary
The fields mentioned in the UML diagram are basic product details and features for banks to incorporate in the APIs. Based on the specific cases and applicability, banks may choose to increase the fields for sharing with the AISPs. Also, banks that are not offering any products/services might choose not to build them in the APIs.
Name | Occurrence | XPath | Enhanced Definition | Class/ Datatype | Codes | Pattern | ||||||||||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails |
| OBReadSharingProductDetails |
| OBReadSharingProductDetails |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Data | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data |
| OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CreditCards | 0..n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards | List of Credit card products | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductDetails | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/ProductDetails | This Section covers basic product description | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/ProductDetails |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CategoryName | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/ProductDetails/CategoryName | Product category name used by ASPSPs | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CategoryCode | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/ProductDetails/CategoryCode | Product category code used by ASPSPs | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductDescription | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/ProductDetails/ProductDescription | A brief description of the product | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductCode | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/ProductDetails/ProductCode | Product Code for ASPSPs operational purpose | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
SubProductCode | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/ProductDetails/SubProductCode | Sub-Product Code for ASPSPs operational purpose | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductURL | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/ProductDetails/ProductURL | Product URL | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Segment | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/ProductDetails/Segment | Product segment such as lifestyle, travel, reward points, etc. | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Features | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Features | List of product features | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Features |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Currency | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Features/Currency | Payment and transaction currency as applicable on the selected card | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
OnetimeFee | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Features/OnetimeFee | First time membership or fee payable on getting a card in BHD excluding taxes | Number |
| ||||||||||||||||||
AnnualFeeAndCharges | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Features/AnnualFeeAndCharges | Recurring fees and charges payable periodically in BHD excluding taxes | Number |
| ||||||||||||||||||
FeeWaiver | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Features/FeeWaiver | This includes the conditions for fee waiver if any applicable on the selected card | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
AddOnCards | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Features/AddOnCards | This includes the conditions and limit for add on cards where a card holder can apply for add-on cards for his/her family under the same account | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CardLimit | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Features/CardLimit | Transaction limit offered by banks for the customer. This also includes the limits for sub transaction such as ATM withdrawal limit, merchant transaction limit, etc. | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
InterestRates | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Features/InterestRates | Interest rate payable on repayment post due date- In Islamic banking, this field is referred to as ‘Profit/Charge’ | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Eligibility | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Eligibility | This covers nationality, age, employment status, income and credit score | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Eligibility |
| ||||||||||||||||||
DocumentsRequired | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Eligibility/DocumentsRequired | List of documents required for getting a credit card | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Age | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Eligibility/Age | Age | Number |
| ||||||||||||||||||
EmploymentStatus | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Eligibility/EmploymentStatus | Employment status | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Income | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Eligibility/Income | Income | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CreditScore | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Eligibility/CreditScore | Credit score | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Benefits | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Benefits | List of Benefits offered by this product | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Benefits |
| ||||||||||||||||||
OffersOnTheCard | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Benefits/OffersOnTheCard | Some cards have great offers and discounts if used with a particular vendor, website or company. Also banks have tie ups with offices, educational institutions etc. and offer them special rates | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
RewardType | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Benefits/RewardType | Some cards are specifically made to suit customers spending habits. For e.g. travel, aviation, lifestyle, shopping, cashback etc. | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
RewardsProgram | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Benefits/RewardsProgram | Rewards program offered by Banks including cashback and redeemable options. Fuel charge waivers and airport lounge access will also be covered here | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
JoiningGiftsOrBonus | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Benefits/JoiningGiftsOrBonus | To get customers to apply for their card, banks offer welcome gifts and bonuses. This could be some latest gadget or bonus points and miles | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
OtherBenefits | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Benefits/OtherBenefits | Additional benefits if any | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
TermsAndConditions | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/TermsAndConditions | This includes a summary of the terms and conditions such as hidden charges, compliance requirements and other bank-specific requirements | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/TermsAndConditions |
| ||||||||||||||||||
tnc-title | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/TermsAndConditions/tnc-title | Terms and conditions title | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
tnc-summary | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/TermsAndConditions/tnc-summary | Any material conditions and specific features such as salary transfer, minimum equity for mortgage facility, loan to value ratio etc. | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
tnc-url | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/TermsAndConditions/tnc-url | Terms and conditions URL | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
SupplementaryData | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/SupplementaryData | Additional information that can not be captured in the structured fields and/or any other specific block | OBSupplementaryData |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Loans | 0..n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans | List of Loans products- In Islamic banking, this field is referred to as ‘Financings’ | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductDetails | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/ProductDetails | This Section covers basic product description | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/ProductDetails |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CategoryName | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/ProductDetails/CategoryName | Product category name used by ASPSPs | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CategoryCode | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/ProductDetails/CategoryCode | Product category code used by the ASPSPs | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductDescription | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/ProductDetails/ProductDescription | A brief description of the product | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductCode | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/ProductDetails/ProductCode | Product Code for Banks operational purpose | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
SubProductCode | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/ProductDetails/SubProductCode | Sub-Product Code for Banks operational purpose | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductURL | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/ProductDetails/ProductURL | Product URL | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Segment | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/ProductDetails/Segment | Product segment such as lifestyle, travel, reward points, etc. | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Features | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Features | List of product features | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Features |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Currency | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Features/Currency | Payment and transaction currency as applicable on the selected loan type | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
InitialDeposit | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Features/InitialDeposit | Initial amount payable by the customer in BHD excluding taxes | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
HandlingFees/Supplementary | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Features/HandlingFees/Supplementary | Loan handling fees applicable for products in BHD excluding taxes | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
MinTenure | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Features/MinTenure | Minimum duration of loan period in months | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
MaxTenure | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Features/MaxTenure | Maximum duration of loan period in months | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
InterestRates | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Features/InterestRates | Interest payable on repayment of the loan amount- In Islamic banking, this field is referred to as ‘Profit/Charge’ | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Eligibility | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Eligibility | This covers nationality, age, employment status, income and credit score | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Eligibility |
| ||||||||||||||||||
DocumentsRequired | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Eligibility/DocumentsRequired | List of documents required for getting a loan | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Age | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Eligibility/Age | Age of the loan applicant | Number |
| ||||||||||||||||||
EmploymentStatus | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Eligibility/EmploymentStatus | Employment status of the loan applicant | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Income | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Eligibility/Income | Income of the loan applicant | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CreditScore | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Eligibility/CreditScore | Credit score of the loan applicant | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Collateral | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Eligibility/Collateral | List of collateral accepted against loan if applicable | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Benefits | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Benefits | List of Benefits offered by this product | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Benefits |
| ||||||||||||||||||
BonusPack | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Benefits/BonusPack | "Free Priority/ Premium/ Easy Banking plan with credit card, 360° reward and welcome offers" | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
FreeMortgageValueAssessment | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Benefits/FreeMortgageValueAssessment | "Free assessment of the value of the mortgage" | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
AutoPaySetup | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Benefits/AutoPaySetup | "One stop pay" | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
E-cheque | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Benefits/E-cheque | "Option of e cheque clearance" | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
EarlyEMIPaymentOptions | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Benefits/EarlyEMIPaymentOptions | Benefit of early payment options | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
OtherBenefits | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Benefits/OtherBenefits | Additional benefits if any | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
TermsAndConditions | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/TermsAndConditions | This includes a summary of the terms and conditions such as hidden charges, compliance requirements and other bank specific requirements | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/TermsAndConditions |
| ||||||||||||||||||
tnc-title | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/TermsAndConditions/tnc-title | Terms and conditions title | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
tnc-summary | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/TermsAndConditions/tnc-summary | Any material conditions and specific features such as salary transfer, minimum equity for mortgage facility, loan to value ratio etc. | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
tnc-url | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/TermsAndConditions/tnc-url | Terms and conditions URL | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
SupplementaryData | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/SupplementaryData | Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured fields and/or any other specific block | OBSupplementaryData |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CASA | 0..n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA | List of CASA products | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductDetails | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/ProductDetails | This Section covers basic product description | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/ProductDetails |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CategoryName | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/ProductDetails/CategoryName | Product category name used by the ASPSPs | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CategoryCode | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/ProductDetails/CategoryCode | Product category code used by the ASPSPs | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductDescription | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/ProductDetails/ProductDescription | A brief description of the product | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductCode | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/ProductDetails/ProductCode | Product Code for ASPSPs operational purpose | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
SubProductCode | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/ProductDetails/SubProductCode | Sub-Product Code for ASPSPs operational purpose | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductURL | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/ProductDetails/ProductURL | Product URL | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Segment | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/ProductDetails/Segment | Product segment such as lifestyle, travel, reward points, etc. | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Features | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Features | List of product features | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Features |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Currency | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Features/Currency | Payment and transaction currency as applicable on the selected CASA type | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
MinBalanceMaintenance | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Features/MinBalanceMaintenance | Minimum balance to be maintained by the account holder in BHD | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
HandlingFees/Supplementary | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Features/HandlingFees/Supplementary | Account handling fees applicable for products in BHD excluding taxes per annum | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
OverdraftLimit | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Features/OverdraftLimit | Limit offered by banks for the customer based on turnover and spending levels in BHD per month | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
InterestRates | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Features/InterestRates | Interest payable on repayment of the loan amount- In Islamic banking, this field is referred to as ‘Profit/Charge’ | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
DepositRate | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Features/DepositRate | Interest rate applicable for deposits only- In Islamic banking, this field is referred to as ‘Profit/Charge’ | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
MinDepositAmount | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Features/MinDepositAmount | Minimum one time deposit amount in BHD | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Eligibility | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Eligibility | This covers nationality, age, employment status, income and credit score | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Eligibility |
| ||||||||||||||||||
DocumentsRequired | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Eligibility/DocumentsRequired | List of documents required for opening a current account | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Age | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Eligibility/Age | Age of the applicant | Number |
| ||||||||||||||||||
EmploymentStatus | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Eligibility/EmploymentStatus | Employment status of the applicant | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Income | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Eligibility/Income | Income of the applicant | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CreditScore | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Eligibility/CreditScore | Credit score of the applicant | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Benefits | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Benefits | List of Benefits offered by this product | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Benefits |
| ||||||||||||||||||
RelationshipManager | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Benefits/RelationshipManager | This covers the benefits of availing RM under few conditions | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ODprotection | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Benefits/ODprotection | Enjoy Current Account Overdraft Protection for clearing cheques | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
MinBalance | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Benefits/MinBalance | This describes the minimum balance required to keep the account active | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
AutoPaySetup | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Benefits/AutoPaySetup | One-stop pay | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
MultipleDebitCards | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Benefits/MultipleDebitCards | This includes details of add on debit cards where a account holder can apply for add-on cards for his/her employees under the same account | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
E-cheque | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Benefits/E-cheque | Option of E-cheque clearance | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
OtherBenefits | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Benefits/OtherBenefits | Additional benefits if any | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
TermsAndConditions | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/TermsAndConditions | This includes a summary of the terms and conditions such as hidden charges, compliance requirements and other ASPSP specific requirements | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/TermsAndConditions |
| ||||||||||||||||||
tnc-title | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/TermsAndConditions/tnc-title | Terms and conditions title | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
tnc-summary | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/TermsAndConditions/tnc-summary | Any material conditions and specific features such as salary transfer, minimum equity for mortgage facility, loan to value ratio etc. | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
tnc-url | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/TermsAndConditions/tnc-url | Terms and conditions URL | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
SupplementaryData | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/SupplementaryData | Additional information that can not be captured in the structured fields and/or any other specific block | OBSupplementaryData |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Investment | 0..n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment | List of Investment products- In Islamic banking, this field is referred to as ‘Investment Account’ | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductDetails | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/ProductDetails | This Section covers basic product description | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/ProductDetails |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CategoryName | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/ProductDetails/CategoryName | Product category name used by the ASPSPs | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CategoryCode | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/ProductDetails/CategoryCode | Product category code used by the ASPSPs | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductDescription | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/ProductDetails/ProductDescription | A brief description of the product | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductCode | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/ProductDetails/ProductCode | Product Code for ASPSPs operational purpose | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
SubProductCode | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/ProductDetails/SubProductCode | Sub-Product Code for ASPSPs operational purpose | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductURL | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/ProductDetails/ProductURL | Product URL | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Segment | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/ProductDetails/Segment | Product segment such as lifestyle, travel, reward points, etc. | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Features | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Features | List of product features | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Features |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Currency | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Features/Currency | Payment and transaction currency as applicable on the selected Investment type | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
MinInvestmentRequirement | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Features/MinInvestmentRequirement | Minimum investment required for opening the investment account in BHD | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
HandlingFees/Supplementary | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Features/HandlingFees/Supplementary | Account handling fees applicable for products in BHD excluding taxes per annum | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
AnnualFees | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Features/AnnualFees | Recurring fees and charges payable periodically in BHD excluding of taxes | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
InvestmentTenure | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Features/InvestmentTenure | Duration of investment period in months | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
DepositRate | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Features/DepositRate | Interest rate applicable for deposits only- In Islamic banking, this field is referred to as ‘Profit/Charge’ | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
HistoricInvestmentRate | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Features/HistoricInvestmentRate | This covers the historic rates that are gained by the investors in the selected fund- In Islamic banking, this field is referred to as ‘Profit/Charge’ | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Eligibility | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Eligibility | This covers nationality, age, employment status, income and credit score | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Eligibility |
| ||||||||||||||||||
DocumentsRequired | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Eligibility/DocumentsRequired | List of documents required | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Age | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Eligibility/Age | Age of the applicant | Number |
| ||||||||||||||||||
EmploymentStatus | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Eligibility/EmploymentStatus | Employment status of the applicant | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Income | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Eligibility/Income | Income of the applicant | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CreditScore | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Eligibility/CreditScore | Credit score of the applicant | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Benefits | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Benefits | List of Benefits offered by this product | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Benefits |
| ||||||||||||||||||
SIPOptions | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Benefits/SIPOptions | This covers the broader systematic investment plan option that a customer can opt for | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
QuickerInvestmentWithdrawal | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Benefits/QuickerInvestmentWithdrawal | Customers can withdraw the investments within 24 hours of the request submitted | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
MinimumInvestment | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Benefits/MinimumInvestment | This describes the minimum annual investment required to keep the account active | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
AutoPaySetup | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Benefits/AutoPaySetup | One-stop pay | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
OtherBenefits | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Benefits/OtherBenefits | Additional benefits if any | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
TermsAndConditions | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsInvestment/FeaturesList of product featuresTermsAndConditions | This includes a summary of the terms and conditions such as hidden charges, compliance requirements and other ASPSP specific requirements | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsInvestment/FeaturesTermsAndConditions |
| Currency | ||||||||||||||||||
tnc-title | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsInvestment/FeaturesTermsAndConditions/Currency | Payment and transaction currency as applicable on the selected card | String |
| OnetimeFee | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Features/OnetimeFee | First time membership or fee payable on getting a card in BHD excluding taxes | Number |
| AnnualFeeAndChargestnc-title | Terms and conditions title | String |
| ||||||||
tnc-summary | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsInvestment/FeaturesTermsAndConditions/AnnualFeeAndCharges | Recurring fees and charges payable periodically in BHD excluding taxes | Number |
| FeeWaivertnc-summary | Any material conditions and specific features such as salary transfer, minimum equity for mortgage facility, loan to value ratio etc. | String |
| ||||||||||||||
tnc-url | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsInvestment/FeaturesTermsAndConditions/FeeWaiver | This includes the conditions for fee waiver if any applicable on the selected card | Stringtnc-url | Terms and conditions URL | String |
| ||||||||||||||||
AddOnCardsSupplementaryData | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsInvestment/Features/AddOnCards | This includes the conditions and limit for add on cards where a card holder can apply for add-on cards for his/her family under the same account | String |
| CardLimitSupplementaryData | Additional information that can not be captured in the structured fields and/or any other specific block | OBSupplementaryData |
| ||||||||||||||
FundTransferServices | 0..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Features/CardLimit | Transaction limit offered by banks for the customer. This also includes the limits for sub transaction such as ATM withdrawal limit, merchant transaction limit, etc. | String |
| InterestRates | 0FundTransferServices | List of Fund Transfer Services products | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServices |
| |||||||||||||
ProductDetails | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Features/InterestRates | Interest rate payable on repayment post due date | String |
| Eligibility | 0/FundTransferServices/ProductDetails | This Section covers basic product description | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServices/ProductDetails |
| |||||||||||||
CategoryName | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServices/CreditCards/EligibilityThis covers nationality, age, employment status, income and credit scoreProductDetails/CategoryName | Product category name used by the ASPSPs | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CategoryCode | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/EligibilityFundTransferServices/ProductDetails/CategoryCode | Product category code used by the ASPSPs | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
DocumentsRequiredProductDescription | 01..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/EligibilityProductDetails/DocumentsRequiredProductDescription | List of documents required for getting a credit cardA brief description of the product | String |
| Age | ||||||||||||||||||
ProductCode | 01..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/Eligibility/Age | Age | NumberProductDetails/ProductCode | Product Code for ASPSPs operational purpose | String |
| ||||||||||||||||
EmploymentStatusSubProductCode | 01..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/EligibilityProductDetails/EmploymentStatusEmployment statusSubProductCode | Sub-Product Code for ASPSPs operational purpose | String |
| Income | ||||||||||||||||||
ProductURL | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/EligibilityProductDetails/IncomeProductURLIncome | Product URL | String |
| CreditScore | ||||||||||||||||||
Segment | 01..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/EligibilityProductDetails/CreditScore | Credit score | StringSegment | Product segment such as lifestyle, travel, reward points, etc. | String |
| ||||||||||||||||
BenefitsFeatures | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/BenefitsFeatures | List of Benefits offered by this product features | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/BenefitsFeatures |
| ||||||||||||||||||
OffersOnTheCardCurrency | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/BenefitsFeatures/OffersOnTheCard | Some cards have great offers and discounts if used with a particular vendor, website or company. Also banks have tie ups with offices, educational institutions etc. and offer them special rates | String |
| RewardTypeCurrency | Payment and transaction currency as applicable on the selected service type | String |
| ||||||||||||||
MinFundTransfer | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/BenefitsFeatures/RewardType | Some cards are specifically made to suit customers spending habits. For e.g. travel, aviation, lifestyle, shopping, cashback etc. | String |
| RewardsProgramMinFundTransfer | Minimum fund transfer applicable for the type of service selected in BHD | String |
| ||||||||||||||
HandlingFees/Supplementary | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/Features/BenefitsHandlingFees/RewardsProgram | Rewards program offered by Banks including cashback and redeemable options. Fuel charge waivers and airport lounge access will also be covered here | String |
| JoiningGiftsOrBonusSupplementary | Account handling fees applicable for products in BHD excluding taxes per annum | String |
| ||||||||||||||
TypesOfFundTransfer | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/BenefitsFeatures/JoiningGiftsOrBonusTo get customers to apply for their card, banks offer welcome gifts and bonuses. This could be some latest gadget or bonus points and miles.TypesOfFundTransfer | This covers different type of fund transfer that banks offer to the customers | String |
| OtherBenefits | ||||||||||||||||||
Eligibility | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/Benefits/OtherBenefits | Additional benefits if any | String |
| TermsAndConditions/FundTransferServices/Eligibility | This covers nationality, age, employment status, income and credit score | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServices/Eligibility |
| ||||||||||||||
DocumentsRequired | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/Eligibility/TermsAndConditions | This includes a summary of the terms and conditions such as hidden charges, compliance requirements and other bank specific requirements | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCards/TermsAndConditions |
| tnc-titleDocumentsRequired | List of documents required | String |
| ||||||||||||||
Age | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/TermsAndConditions/tnc-title | Terms and conditions title | StringEligibility/Age | Age of the applicant | Number |
| ||||||||||||||||
tnc-summaryEmploymentStatus | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/TermsAndConditionsEligibility/tnc-summaryAny material conditions and specific features such as salary transfer, minimum equity for mortgage facility, loan to value ratio etc.EmploymentStatus | Employment status of the applicant | String |
| tnc-url | ||||||||||||||||||
Income | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/TermsAndConditionsEligibility/tnc-urlTerms and conditions URLIncome | Income of the applicant | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
SupplementaryDataCreditScore | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CreditCardsFundTransferServices/Eligibility/SupplementaryData | Additional information that can not be captured in the structured fields and/or any other specific block. | OBSupplementaryDataCreditScore | Credit score of the applicant | String |
| ||||||||||||||||
LoansBenefits | 0..n1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansFundTransferServices/Benefits | List of Loans productsBenefits offered by this product | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansFundTransferServices/Benefits |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ProductDetailsInternationalPayment | 10..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServices/Loans/ProductDetails | This Section covers basic product description | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/ProductDetailsBenefits/InternationalPayment | International payment with other currency pay-outs | String |
| ||||||||||||||||
CategoryNameOtherBenefits | 10..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansFundTransferServices/ProductDetailsBenefits/CategoryNameproduct category name used by ASPSPsOtherBenefits | Additional benefits if any | String |
| CategoryCode | ||||||||||||||||||
TermsAndConditions | 10..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansFundTransferServices/ProductDetails/CategoryCode | Product category code used by the ASPSPs | String |
| ProductDescription | 1..1 | TermsAndConditions | This includes a summary of the terms and conditions such as hidden charges, compliance requirements and other bank specific requirements | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansFundTransferServices/ProductDetails/ProductDescription | A brief description of the product | StringTermsAndConditions |
| ProductCode | ||||||||||
tnc-title | 10..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansFundTransferServices/ProductDetailsTermsAndConditions/ProductCode | Product Code for Banks operational purpose | Stringtnc-title | Terms and conditions title | String |
| SubProductCode | ||||||||||||||||
tnc-summary | 10..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansFundTransferServices/ProductDetailsTermsAndConditions/SubProductCodeSub-Product Code for Banks operational purposetnc-summary | Any material conditions and specific features such as salary transfer, minimum equity for mortgage facility, loan to value ratio etc. | String |
| ProductURL | ||||||||||||||||||
tnc-url | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansFundTransferServices/ProductDetailsTermsAndConditions/ProductURLProduct tnc-url | Terms and conditions URL | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
SegmentSupplementaryData | 10..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/ProductDetails/Segment | Product segment such as lifestyle, travel, reward points, etc. | String |
| FeaturesFundTransferServices/SupplementaryData | Additional information that can not be captured in the structured fields and/or any other specific block | OBSupplementaryData |
| ||||||||||||||
OBATM | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/FeaturesOBATM | List of product featuresATM | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBATM |
| ||||||||||||||||||
ATM | 1..n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/FeaturesOBATM/ATM | Environment of the ATM | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
CurrencyIdentification | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansOBATM/Features/CurrencyATMIdentification | Payment and transaction currency as applicable on the selected loan typeUnique and unambiguous identification of a branch of a financial institution | String |
| InitialDeposit | ||||||||||||||||||
| 0..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansOBATM/Features/InitialDeposit | Initial amount payable by the customer in BHD excluding taxes | String |
| HandlingFees/Supplementary | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Features/HandlingFees/Supplementary | Loan handling fees applicable for products in BHD excluding taxes | String |
| LoanTenure | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Features/LoanTenure | Duration of loan period in months | String |
| InterestRatesATMServices | Describes the type of transaction available for a customer on an ATM. | String |
| ||
Access24HoursIndicator | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansOBATM/ Features/InterestRatesInterest payable on repayment of the loan amountAccess24HoursIndicator | Indicates that the ATM is available for use by customers 24 hours per day | String |
| Eligibility | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Eligibility | This covers nationality, age, employment status, income and credit score | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Eligibility |
| DocumentsRequired | ||||||||||||
Accessibility | 0..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansOBATM/EligibilityATM/ DocumentsRequiredAccessibility | List of documents required for getting a loan | String |
| AgeIndicates Types of Accessibility | String |
| |||||||||||||||
| 0..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansOBATM/ EligibilityATM/Age | Age of the loan applicant | Number |
| EmploymentStatusSupportedLanguages | Identification of the language name according to the ISO 639-1 codes. The type is validated by the list of values coded with two alphabetic characters, defined in the standard | String |
| ||||||||||||||
| 0..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansOBATM/ EligibilityATM/EmploymentStatusEmployment status of the loan applicantSupportedcurrencies | All ISO 4217 defined currency supported by the ATM | String |
| Income | ||||||||||||||||||
MinimumPossibleAmount | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansOBATM/ EligibilityATM/Income | Income of the loan applicant | StringMinimumPossibleAmount | Minimum amount allowed for a transaction in the service | Number |
| ||||||||||||||||
CreditScoreOtherAccessibility | 0..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Eligibility/CreditScore | Credit score of the loan applicant | StringOBATM/ OtherAccessibility |
| ||||||||||||||||
CollateralName | 01..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansOBATM/ EligibilityOtherAccessibility/CollateralName | list of collateral accepted against loan if applicableName of the Accessibility | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
BenefitsDescription | 01..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBATM/ LoansOtherAccessibility/BenefitsDescription | List of Benefits offered by this product | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/BenefitsDescription of the specified Accessibility | String |
| |||||||||||||||||
BonusPackOtherATMServices | 0..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Benefits/BonusPack | "Free Priority/ Premium/ Easy Banking plan with credit card, 360° reward and welcome offers" | StringOBATM/ OtherATMServices |
| ||||||||||||||||
FreeMortgageValueAssessmentName | 01..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansOBATM/ BenefitsOtherATMServices/FreeMortgageValueAssessmentName | "Free assessment Name of the value of the mortgage"Service | String |
| AutoPaySetup | ||||||||||||||||||
Description | 01..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansOBATM/ BenefitsOtherATMServices/ AutoPaySetup"One stop pay"Description | Description of the ATM service | String |
| E-cheque | ||||||||||||||||||
Location | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/Benefits/E-cheque | "option of e cheque clearance" | StringOBATM/Location |
| EarlyEMIPaymentOptions | ||||||||||||||||
Location category | 0..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansOBATM/BenefitsLocation/ EarlyEMIPaymentOptions | Benefit of early payment options | String |
| OtherBenefitsLocation category | Indicates the environment of the ATM. | String |
| ||||||||||||||
OtherLocationCategory | 0..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansOBATM/ BenefitsLocation/OtherBenefits | Additional benefits if any | StringOtherLocationCategory |
| ||||||||||||||||
TermsAndConditionsName | 01..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/TermsAndConditionsThis includes a summary of the terms and conditions such as hidden charges, compliance requirements and other bank specific requirementsOBATM/ Location/OtherLocationCategory/Name | Long name associated with the specified location category | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Description | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Loans/TermsAndConditionsOBATM/ Location/OtherLocationCategory/ Description | Description to describe the purpose of the location category | String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
tnc-titlePostalAddress | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansOBATM/ TermsAndConditions/tnc-title | Terms and conditions title | StringLocation/ PostalAddress |
| ||||||||||||||||
tnc-summaryAddressLine | 0..17 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/LoansOBATM/ Location/ TermsAndConditionsPostalAddress /tnc-summary | Any material conditions and specific features such as salary transfer, minimum equity for mortgage facility, loan to value ratio etc. | String |
| tnc-urlAddressLine | Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, that is presented in free format text. | String |
| ||||||||||||||
StreetName | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBATM/ LoansLocation/ TermsAndConditionsPostalAddress /tnc-url | Terms and conditions URL | StringStreetName | Name of a street or thoroughfare. | String |
| ||||||||||||||||
SupplementaryDataBuildingNumber | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBATM/ Location/ LoansPostalAddress /SupplementaryData | Additional information that can not be captured in the structured fields and/or any other specific block. | OBSupplementaryData |
| CASABuildingNumber | Name or Number that identifies the position of a building on a street. | String |
| ||||||||||||||
PostCode | 0..n1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA | List of CASA products' | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA |
| ProductDetails | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/ProductDetails | This Section covers basic product description | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/ProductDetails |
| CategoryName | 1OBATM/ Location/ PostalAddress /PostCode | Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. | String |
| |||||||
TownName | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBATM/ CASALocation/ ProductDetailsPostalAddress /CategoryName | product category name used by the ASPSPs | StringTownName | Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. | String |
| ||||||||||||||||
CategoryCodeCountrySubDivision | 10..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBATM/ CASALocation/ ProductDetailsPostalAddress /CategoryCodeProduct category code used by the ASPSPsCountrySubDivision | Identifies a subdivision of a country, for instance state, region, county. | String |
| ProductDescription | ||||||||||||||||||
Country | 10..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBATM/ CASALocation/ ProductDetailsPostalAddress /ProductDescription | A brief description of the product | StringCountry | Nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. | String |
| ||||||||||||||||
ProductCodeGeoLocation | 10..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBATM/ Location/ ProductDetails/ProductCode | Product Code for Banks operational purpose | StringPostalAddress / GeoLocation | Geographic location of the ATM specified by geographic coordinates or UTM coordinates. |
| ||||||||||||||||
SubProductCodeLatitude | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/ProductDetails/SubProductCode | Sub-Product Code for Banks operational purpose | String |
| ProductURL | 0OBATM/ Location/ PostalAddress / GeoLocation/ Latitude | Latitude measured in decimal degrees | Number |
| |||||||||||||
Longitude | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/ProductDetails/ProductURL | Product URL | String |
| Segment | 1OBATM/ Location/ PostalAddress / GeoLocation/ Longitude | Angular measurement of the distance of a location on the earth east or west of the Greenwich observatory. | Number |
| |||||||||||||
OBBranch | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/ProductDetails/Segment | Product segment such as lifestyle, travel, reward points, etc. | StringOBBranch |
| ||||||||||||||||
| 01..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBBranch/FeaturesBranch | List of product features | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/FeaturesEnvironment of the Branch
| String |
| |||||||||||||||||
| 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBBranch/FeaturesBranch/ CurrencyIdentification
| Payment and transaction currency as applicable on the selected CASA type | String |
| MinBalanceMaintenanceUnique and unambiguous identification of a branch of a financial institution
| String |
| |||||||||||||||
| 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBBranch/FeaturesBranch/ MinBalanceMaintenanceMinimum balance to be maintained by the account holder in BHDName | Name by which a branch is known and which is usually used to identify that branch
| String |
| HandlingFees/Supplementary | ||||||||||||||||||
| 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBBranch/Features/HandlingFees/Supplementary | Account handling fees applicable for products in BHD excluding taxes per annum | String |
| OverdraftLimitBranch/ Type
| Codeset to indicate if a branch is physically in 1 location or is mobile
| String |
| ||||||||||||||
| 0..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBBranch/FeaturesBranch/ OverdraftLimit | Limit offered by banks for the customer based on turnover and spending levels in BHD per month | String |
| InterestRates | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Features/InterestRates | Interest payable on repayment of the loan amount | String |
| DepositRate | 0..1Accessibility
| Accessibility is the ability and ease a customer can access a service, good, associate, or facility. Features which make the Bank accessible to disabled people
| String |
| |||||||
CustomerSegment | 0..n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBBranch/Features/DepositRate | Interest rate applicable for deposits only | String |
| MinDepositAmount | 0..1Branch/ CustomerSegment | The marketing segment which the branch is able to address in terms of customer type. Market segmentation is a marketing term referring to the aggregating of prospective buyers into groups, or segments that have common needs and respond similarly to a marketing action. Market segmentation enables companies to target different categories of consumers who perceive the full value of certain products and services differently from one another | String |
| |||||||||||||
ServiceandFacility | 0..n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBBranch/FeaturesBranch/ MinDepositAmount | Minimum one time deposit amount in BHD | String |
| EligibilityServiceandFacility | Service/Facilities offered at a branch | String |
| ||||||||||||||
| 0..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Eligibility | This covers nationality, age, employment status, income and credit score | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Eligibility |
| DocumentsRequired | 0..1OBBranch/Branch/ SupportedLanguages
| Identification of the language name according to the ISO 639-1 codes. The type is validated by the list of values coded with two alphabetic characters, defined in the standard
| String |
| |||||||||||||
| 0..n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBBranch/Eligibility/DocumentsRequiredList of documents required for opening a current accountBranch/ Supportedcurrencies
| All ISO 4217 defined currency supported by the ATM
| String |
| Age | ||||||||||||||||||
OtherServiceandFacility | 0..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBBranch/EligibilityBranch/ Age | Age of the applicant | Number |
| EmploymentStatus | 0OtherServiceandFacility |
| |||||||||||||
| 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/CASABranch/EligibilityOtherServiceandFacility/EmploymentStatusName | Employment status Name of the applicantStringService and Facility
| String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
| Income | 01..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBBranch/Branch/EligibilityOtherServiceandFacility/ IncomeDescription | Income Description of the applicantService and Facility
| String |
| |||||||||||||||||
OtherAccessibility CreditScore | 0..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBBranch/EligibilityBranch/CreditScore | Credit score of the applicant | StringOtherAccessibility |
| ||||||||||||||||
| 01..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Benefits | List of Benefits offered by this product | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Benefits |
| RelationshipManager | 0OBBranch/Branch/OtherAccessibility/Name
| Name of the Accessibility
| String |
| |||||||||||||
| 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/CASABranch/BenefitsOtherAccessibility/ RelationshipManagerDescription | This covers the benefits of availing RM under few conditions | String |
| ODprotectionDescription of the specified Accessibility
| String |
| |||||||||||||||
| 0..1n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBBranch/BenefitsBranch/ODprotection | Enjoy Current Account Overdraft Protection for clearing cheques | String |
| MinBalance | 0ContactInfo | Communication device number or electronic address used for communication.
| |||||||||||||
| 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBBranch/Branch/Benefits/MinBalance | This describes the minimum balance required to keep the account active | String |
| AutoPaySetup | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/Benefits/AutoPaySetup | One stop pay | String |
| MultipleDebitCards | 0ContactInfo/ ContactType
| Contact type such Phone, Fax and email
| String |
| |||||||
| 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/CASABranch/BenefitsContactInfo/ MultipleDebitCards | This includes details of add on debit cards where a account holder can apply for add-on cards for his/her employees under the same account | String |
| E-cheque | 0ContactContent
| Collection of information that identifies a phone/Fax number/ email, as defined by telecom services.
| String |
| |||||||||||||
| 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/CASA/Benefits/E-chequeOption of e cheque clearanceBranch/ContactInfo/ ContactDescription
| Description of contact such as main phone number, alternate phone number, Fax number, alternate fax number, email and alternate email
| String |
| OtherBenefits | ||||||||||||||||||
| 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/CASABranch/BenefitsContactInfo/OtherBenefits | Additional benefits if any | StringOtherContactType | Other contact type which is not in the standard list
| TermsAndConditions | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/TermsAndConditions | This includes a summary of the terms and conditions such as hidden charges, compliance requirements and other bank specific requirements | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/TermsAndConditions |
| tnc-title | 0 |
| |||||||||
| 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/Branch/CASAContactInfo/TermsAndConditions/tnc-titleTerms and conditions titleOtherContactType/ Name
| Long name associated with the code
| String |
| tnc-summary | 0 | |||||||||||||||||
| 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/TermsAndConditions/tnc-summary | Any material conditions and specific features such as salary transfer, minimum equity for mortgage facility, loan to value ratio etc. | String |
| tnc-urlOBBranch/Branch/ContactInfo/OtherContactType/ Description
| Description to describe the purpose of the code
| String |
| ||||||||||||||
| 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASAOBBranch/TermsAndConditions/tnc-url | Terms and conditions URL | String |
| SupplementaryDataBranch/PostalAddress |
| ||||||||||||||
| 0..17 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/CASA/SupplementaryData | Additional information that can not be captured in the structured fields and/or any other specific block. | OBSupplementaryData |
| Investment | 0..n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment | List of Investment products | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment |
| ProductDetails | 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/ProductDetails | This Section covers basic product description | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/ProductDetails |
| CategoryName | 1OBBranch/Branch/PostalAddress/ AddressLine
| Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, that is presented in free format text.
| String |
| |
| 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/Branch/PostalAddress/ StreetName
| Name of a street or thoroughfare.
| String |
| ||||||||||||||||||
| 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/InvestmentBranch/ProductDetailsPostalAddress/ CategoryNameproduct category name used by the ASPSPsBuildingNumber
| Name or Number that identifies the position of a building on a street.
| String |
| CategoryCode | 1 | |||||||||||||||||
| 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBBranch/Branch/ProductDetailsPostalAddress/ CategoryCode | Product category code used by the ASPSPs | String |
| ProductDescription | 1PostCode
| Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail.
| String |
| |||||||||||||
| 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/InvestmentBranch/ProductDetailsPostalAddress/ ProductDescriptionA brief description of the productTownName
| Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government.
| String |
| ProductCode | 1 | |||||||||||||||||
| 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/InvestmentBranch/ProductDetailsPostalAddress/ ProductCodeProduct Code for Banks operational purposeCountrySubDivision
| Identifies a subdivision of a country, for instance state, region, county.
| String |
| SubProductCode | 1 | |||||||||||||||||
| 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBBranch/Branch/ProductDetailsPostalAddress/ SubProductCodeSub-Product Code for Banks operational purposeCountry
| Nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.
| String |
| ProductURL | ||||||||||||||||||
| 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/InvestmentBranch/ProductDetails/ProductURL | Product URL | String |
| SegmentPostalAddress/GeoLocation
| Geographic location of the ATM specified by geographic coordinates or UTM coordinates.
| ||||||||||||||
| 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/Branch/InvestmentPostalAddress/ProductDetailsGeoLocation/ Segment | Product segment such as lifestyle, travel, reward points, etc. | String |
| Features | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Features | List of product features | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Features |
| Currency | 0Latitude
| Latitude measured in decimal degrees
| Number |
| |||||||
| 1..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/Branch/InvestmentPostalAddress/FeaturesGeoLocation/ Currency | Payment and transaction currency as applicable on the selected Investment type | String |
| MinInvestmentRequirement | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Features/MinInvestmentRequirement | Minimum investment required for opening the investment account in BHD | String |
| HandlingFees/Supplementary | 0..1Longitude
| Angular measurement of the distance of a location on the earth east or west of the Greenwich observatory.
| Number |
4.1.4 Static Enumerations
This section provides the definitions of the enumerations used across the Sharinig product details use cases.
Code Class | Name | Definition | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Features/HandlingFees/Supplementary | Account handling fees applicable for products in BHD excluding taxes per annum | String |
| AnnualFees | 0..1 | OBATM/ATMServices | Balance | Balance inquiry | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/Features/AnnualFees | Recurring fees and charges payable periodically in BHD excluding of taxes | String |
| InvestmentTenure | 0..1 | ATMServices | BillPayments | Funds transfer to pay a third party | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/Features/InvestmentTenure | Duration of investment period in months | String |
| DepositRate | 0..1ATMServices | CashDeposits | Deposit of cash | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/Features/DepositRate | Interest rate applicable for deposits only | String |
| HistoricInvestmentRate | 0..1ATMServices | CharityDonation | Funds transfer to make a charity donation | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBATM/ATMServices | ChequeDeposits | Deposit of cheques | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/Features/HistoricInvestmentRate | This covers the historic rates that are gained by the investors in the selected fund | String |
| Eligibility | 0..1 | ATMServices | CashWithdrawal | Standard withdrawal of cash | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/EligibilityThis covers nationality, age, employment status, income and credit scoreATMServices | EnvelopeDeposit | Deposit of media items unverified by the ATM, for instance in an envelope | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/EligibilityATMServices |
| DocumentsRequired | 0..1FastCash | Deposit of media items verified by the ATM | |||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Eligibility/DocumentsRequired | List of documents required | String |
| Age | 0..1 | OBATM/ATMServices | MobileBankingRegistration | The ATM is capable of registering the user for mobile banking | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Eligibility/Age | Age of the applicant | Number |
| EmploymentStatus | 0..1OBATM/ATMServices | MobilePaymentRegistration | The ATM is capable of registering the user for Mobile Payment Services | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBATM/ATMServices | MobilePhoneTopUp | The ATM is capable performing a mobile phone top up from the users bank account | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Eligibility/EmploymentStatus | Employment status of the applicant | String |
| Income | 0..1 | OBATM/ATMServices | OrderStatement | The ATM is capable of ordering a bank statement | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Eligibility/Income | Income of the applicant | String |
| CreditScore | 0..1 | OBATM/ATMServices | Other | Fillout OtherATMService fields with code name and description of an ATM service which is not in the standard code list | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Eligibility/CreditScore | Credit score of the applicant | String |
| Benefits | 0..1OBATM/ATMServices | PINActivation | The ATM is capable of activating a debit card using a PIN | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/BenefitsATMServices | PINChangeList of Benefits offered by this product | Modification of the card PIN value | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/BenefitsATMServices |
| SIPOptions | 0..1PINUnblock | Unblock the PIN | |||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/Benefits/SIPOptions | This covers the broader systematic investment plan option that a customer can opt for | String |
| QuickerInvestmentWithdrawal | 0..1 | OBATM/ATMServices | MiniStatement | Ask for account mini statement information to a related customer account | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/BenefitsATM/ QuickerInvestmentWithdrawal | Customer can withdraw the investments within 24 hours of the request submitted | String |
| MinimumInvestment | 0..1Accessibility | AudioCashMachine | The ATM has a headphone jack | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/BenefitsATM/ MinimumInvestment | This describes the minimum annual investment required to keep the account active | String |
| AutoPaySetup | 0..1 | Accessibility | AutomaticDoors | Access to the ATM is provided by automatic doors | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/BenefitsATM/ AutoPaySetupAccessibility | One stop pay | String |
| OtherBenefits | 0..1 | ExternalRamp | Access to the ATM is provided by means of an external ramp | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/BenefitsATM/ OtherBenefits | Additional benefits if any | String |
| TermsAndConditions | 0..1Accessibility | InductionLoop | The ATM has a hearing aid induction loop | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/TermsAndConditionsThis includes a summary of the terms and conditions such as hidden charges, compliance requirements and other bank specific requirementsOBATM/ATM/ Accessibility | InternalRamp | Access to the ATM is provided by means of an internal ramp | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/ATM/ TermsAndConditionsAccessibility |
| tnc-title | 0..1 | LevelAccess | Level access to the ATM not impeded by any step or ramp | ||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/TermsAndConditionsATM/ tnc-title | Terms and conditions title | String |
| tnc-summary | 0..1Accessibility | LowerLevelCounter | Access to the ATM is at a low level suitable for wheelchair users | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/InvestmentOBATM/TermsAndConditions/tnc-summary | Any material conditions and specific features such as salary transfer, minimum equity for mortgage facility, loan to value ratio etc. | String |
| tnc-url | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/TermsAndConditions/tnc-url | Terms and conditions URL | String |
| SupplementaryData | 0..1ATM/ Accessibility | Other | Used to indicate that the code is not in this standard accessibility list. Note: OtherAccessibility can be used to supply the code, name and description |
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBATM/ATM/ Accessibility | WheelchairAccess | The ATM is accessible by wheelchair users | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/Investment/SupplementaryData | Additional information that can not be captured in the structured fields and/or any other specific block. | OBSupplementaryData |
| FundTransferServices | 0..n | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServices | List of Fund Transfer Services productsOBATM/Location/ Location category | BranchExternal | ATM is located on a bank branch external wall | ||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBATM/Location/ Location category | BranchInternal | ATM is located inside a bank branch and is only available during opening hours | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServices |
| ProductDetails | 1..1OBATM/Location/ Location category | BranchLobby | ATM is located in a lobby which is accessible by the banks customers | ||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServices/ProductDetailsThis Section covers basic product descriptionOBATM/Location/ Location category | Other | Other environments, for instance a mall or an airport | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBATM/FundTransferServicesLocation/ ProductDetailsLocation category |
| CategoryName | 1..1 | RetailerOutlet | ATM is located at a retailer outlet | ||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBATM/ProductDetailsLocation/ CategoryName | product category name used by the ASPSPs | String |
| CategoryCode | 1..1 | Location category | RemoteUnit | ATM is a part of a mobile banking facility | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/ProductDetailsBranch/ CategoryCode | Product category code used by the ASPSPs | String |
| ProductDescription | 1..1 | Accessibility | AutomaticDoors | Access to the branch is provided by automatic doors | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/Branch/ Accessibility | AudioCashMachine | The branch has ATM(s) that have a headphone jack | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/ProductDetailsBranch/ ProductDescription | A brief description of the product | String |
| ProductCode | 1..1Accessibility | ExternalRamp | Access to the branch is provided by means of an external ramp | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/ProductDetails/ProductCode | Product Code for Banks operational purpose | String |
| SubProductCode | 1..1 | Branch/ Accessibility | HelpingHandUnit | Branches with Helping Hand units that contain items to assist customers who have a disability to transact with us in the branch. This may include items such as: magnifiers, pen grips, cheque, templates, banknote gauges, clipboards and lap-pads | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/ProductDetailsBranch/ SubProductCode | Sub-Product Code for Banks operational purpose | String |
| ProductURL | 0..1 | Accessibility | InductionLoop | The branch has a hearing aid induction loop | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/ProductDetailsBranch/ ProductURLAccessibility | Product URL | String |
| Segment | 1..1InternalRamp | Access to the branch is provided by means of an internal ramp | |||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/ProductDetailsBranch/ Segment | Product segment such as lifestyle, travel, reward points, etc. | String |
| Features | 0..1Accessibility | LevelAccess | Level access to the branch not impeded by any step or ramp | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/FundTransferServicesBranch/ FeaturesList of product featuresAccessibility | LowerLevelCounter | The branch counter is at a lower level, suitable for wheelchair users | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/FundTransferServicesBranch/ FeaturesAccessibility |
| Currency | 0..1Other | Used to indicate that the code is not in this standard accessibility list. Note: OtherAccessibility can be used to supply the code, name and description | |||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/FeaturesBranch/ Currency | Payment and transaction currency as applicable on the selected service type | String |
| MinFundTransfer | 0..1 | Accessibility | WheelchairAccess | The branch is accessible by wheelchair users | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/FeaturesBranch/ MinFundTransfer | Minimum fund transfer applicable for the type of service selected in BHD | String |
| HandlingFees/Supplementary | 0..1 | Type | Mobile | Represents a mobile branch/van which travels to different locations | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/FeaturesBranch/ HandlingFees/Supplementary | Account handling fees applicable for products in BHD excluding taxes per annum | String |
| TypesOfFundTransfer | 0..1Type | Physical | Represents a main or sub branch which is a fixed physical location | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/FeaturesBranch/ TypesOfFundTransfer | This covers different type of fund transfer that banks offer to the customers | String |
| Eligibility | 0..1 | CustomerSegment | Corporate | The branch is able to provide services to corporate customers | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServices/EligibilityThis covers nationality, age, employment status, income and credit scoreOBBranch/Branch/ CustomerSegment | SME | The branch is able to provide services to SME customers | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/FundTransferServicesBranch/ EligibilityCustomerSegment |
| DocumentsRequired | 0..1Personal | The branch is able to provide services to retail customers | |||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/EligibilityBranch/ DocumentsRequired | List of documents required | String |
| Age | 0..1 | ServiceandFacility | AssistedServiceCounter | Branch provides assisted service counters which are machines providing a wide range of banking facilities similar to those provided by counter services | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/EligibilityBranch/ Age | Age of the applicant | Number |
| EmploymentStatus | 0..1ServiceandFacility | AccountVerificationService | Branch provides AVS verifying, for instance, Account Holders (Name /Company No), Account (Code, Branch No, Status, Type, Length open and if it accepts debits/credits) | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/EligibilityBranch/ EmploymentStatus | Employment status of the applicant | String |
| Income | 0..1 | ServiceandFacility | BusinessCounter | The branch has a business counter | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/EligibilityBranch/ Income | Income of the applicant | String |
| CreditScore | 0..1 | ServiceandFacility | BusinessDepositTerminal | The branch provides automated terminals for taking business deposits | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/EligibilityBranch/ CreditScore | Credit score of the applicant | String |
| Benefits | 0..1 | OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServices/Benefits | List of Benefits offered by this productServiceandFacility | CardIssuanceFacility | The branch provides a card issuance facility. Note this is usually an emergency for issuing standard debit cards with personalised magnetic stripe and chip data only | ||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/Branch/ ServiceandFacility | CollectionLockers | The branch has Click and Collect Lockers | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/Branch/ BenefitsServiceandFacility |
| InternationalPayment | 0..1CounterServices | The branch provides counter teller services | |||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/BenefitsBranch/ InternationalPayment | International payment with other currency pay-outs | String |
| OtherBenefits | 0..1ServiceandFacility | LodgementDevice | The branch provides lodgement devices which are ATMs which can accept cash and cheque deposits | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/Branch/ ServiceandFacility | MortgageAdvisor | The branch provides mortgage advisor services | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/BenefitsBranch/ OtherBenefits | Additional benefits if any | String |
| TermsAndConditions | 0..1 | ServiceandFacility | OnDemandCurrency | The branch can provide foreign currency on demand | |||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServices/TermsAndConditionsThis includes a summary of the terms and conditions such as hidden charges, compliance requirements and other bank specific requirementsOBBranch/Branch/ ServiceandFacility | Other | Used to indicate that the Branch Self Service code does not exist in this standard code list. Use OtherSelfService to supply code, name & description | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServices/TermsAndConditions |
| tnc-title | 0..1OBBranch/Branch/ContactInfo/ ContactType | AlternateEmail | Alternate email | ||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/FundTransferServicesBranch/TermsAndConditionsContactInfo/ tnc-title | Terms and conditions title | String |
| tnc-summary | 0..1ContactType | AlternateFax | Alternate fax number | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/Branch/ContactInfo/ ContactType | AlternatePhone | Alter phone number | |||||||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/Branch/TermsAndConditionsContactInfo/ tnc-summary | Any material conditions and specific features such as salary transfer, minimum equity for mortgage facility, loan to value ratio etc. | String |
| tnc-url | 0..1 | ContactType | |||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/FundTransferServicesOBBranch/TermsAndConditions/tnc-url | Terms and conditions URL | String |
| SupplementaryData | 0..1Branch/ContactInfo/ ContactType | Fax | Contact fax number | ||||||
OBReadSharingProductDetails/Data/OBBranch/FundTransferServices/SupplementaryData | Additional information that can not be captured in the structured fields and/or any other specific block. | OBSupplementaryData |
Branch/ContactInfo/ ContactType | Other | Other contact type |
5. Usage Examples
5.1 GET /sharing-product-details
5.1.1 Request
5.1.2 Response