Table of Contents
Overview.. 2
Endpoints. 2
2.1. POST /events. 2
Data Model 2
3.1. Aggregated Polling - Request 2
3.1.1 UML Diagram.. 2
3.1.2 Data Dictionary. 2
3.2. Aggregated Polling - Response. 3
3.2.1 UML Diagram.. 3
3.2.2 Data Dictionary. 3
Usage Example. 4
4.1. Poll Only. 4
4.1.1 POST Events Request 4
4.1.2 POST Event Response. 4
4.2. Acknowledge Only. 4
4.2.1 POST Events Request 4
4.2.2 POST Event Response. 4
4.3. POST and Acknowledge with Errors. 5
4.3.1 POST Events Request 5
4.3.2 POST Events Response. 5
1. Overview
Table of Contents | ||||
1. Version Control
Version | Date | Description of Changes |
Bahrain OBF v1.0.0 | 25th Aug 2020 | Initial Release |
2. Overview
Aggregated Polling is about the provision of notification of revocations from ASPSPs to AISPs/ PISPs, upon AISP/ PISP request, enabling AISPs/ PISPs to update their records and contact the users/customers, if required, at the point in time of the request. However, the key difference is that rather than focusing on a specific consent resource’s status (via a GET request on that specific resource), aggregated polling allows an AISP/ PISP to request an aggregated set of events from multiple users/customers during a specific period.
This functionality makes much more efficient usage of the ASPSPs and AISPs/ PISPs network bandwidth as multiple single polls, especially with no change of access status, are avoided.
Moreover, it allows AISPs/ PISPs to receive all the required notifications without the need to implement systems with high availability (e.g. systems running 24x7) or systems based on real time push notifications, providing full flexibility to AISPs/ PISPs about the timing they want to receive the notifications based on their business models. AISPs/ PISPs are able to notify users/customers immediately after they poll ASPSPs, if required.
Step 1: Initial Polling
This is the first time an AISP/ PISP calls the ASPSP to poll for events:
An AISP/ PISP calls an ASPSP to poll for events
The ASPSP responds with an array of awaiting events encoded as signed event notifications
Awaiting events are the events that have not been acknowledgement by the AISP/ PISP, or have been reported as errors by the AISP/ PISP.
Step 2a: Acknowledge Only
Following the initial poll the AISP/ PISP has the option to only acknowledge receipt if they do not wish to receive further events at a given time:
An AISP/ PISP calls an ASPSP to acknowledge the event notifications that have been successfully processed
If required, the AISP/ PISP also sends indicators of event notifications which they could not process due to an error
The ASPSP responds positively but sends no further events
Step 2b: Poll and Acknowledge
Following the initial poll the AISP/ PISP can then repeatedly poll the ASPSP, acknowledging successfully processed event notifications and requesting more:
An AISP/ PISP calls an ASPSP to acknowledge the event notifications that have been successfully processed with appropriate parameters to receive more
If required, the AISP/ PISP also sends event notifications which they could not process due to an error
The ASPSP responds positively and responds with an array of awaiting event notifications encoded as signed event notifications
Acknowledgment by the AISP/ PISP
Recipients of event notifications must acknowledge them. This is manifested in one of two ways:
Through positive acknowledgement in that the event notification has been received and successfully processed
Through negative acknowledgement where the event notification has been received but the AISP/ PISP encountered an error in processing
ASPSPs can evict positively acknowledged event notifications from their stores. It is implicit that AISPs/ PISPs are responsible for retaining a record of event notifications appropriate to their needs once positively acknowledged.
The Events resource is used by an AISP/ PISP to retrieve multiple signed event notifications from an ASPSP.
This resource description should be read in conjunction with a compatible Aggregated Polling Profile.
S. No. | Resource | HTTP Operation | Endpoint | Mandatory | Scope | Grant Type | Message Signing | Idempotency Key | Request Object | Response Object |
2.1 | events | POST | POST /events | OptionalMandatory | accounts fundsconfirmationspayments | Client Credentials | N/A | No | OBEventPolling | OBEventPollingResponse |
POST /events
The endpoint allows a TPP an AISP/ PISP to poll for and acknowledge and receive event notifications.
The POST method allows the TPP AISP/ PISP to transmit their polling parameters and event notification acknowledgements.acknowledgments
The ASPSP responds accordingly, sending event notifications as indicated by the TPPs AISPs/ PISPs polling parametersparameter
Data Model
Aggregated Polling - Request
The OBEventPolling will be used as the request payload for:
POST /events.
1 UML Diagram
2 Data Dictionary
Name | Occurrence | XPath | Enhanced Definition | Class/ Datatype | Codes | Pattern |
OBEventPolling |
| OBEventPolling |
| OBEventPolling |
maxEvents | 0..1 | OBEventPolling/maxEvents | Maximum number of events to be returned. A value of zero indicates the ASPSP should not return events even if available | Integer |
returnImmediately | 0..1 | OBEventPolling/returnImmediately | Indicates whether an ASPSP should return a response immediately or provide a long poll | Boolean |
ack | 0..n | OBEventPolling/ack | An array of | Array:String |
setErrs | 0..1 | OBEventPolling/setErrs | An object that encapsulates all negative acknowledgements transmitted by the TPPAISP/ PISP | OBEventPolling/setErrs |
<jti> | 0..n | OBEventPolling/setErrs/<jti> | A event notification error object entitled using the | OBEventPolling/setErrs/<jti> |
err | 1..1 | OBEventPolling/setErrs/<jti>/err | A value from the IANA "Security Event Token Delivery Error Codes" registry that identifies the error as defined here | String |
description | 1..1 | OBEventPolling/setErrs/<jti>/description | A human-readable string that provides additional diagnostic information | String |
Aggregated Polling - Response
The OBEventPollingResponse will be used as the response payload for:
POST /events.
1 UML Diagram
2 Data Dictionary
Name | Occurrence | XPath | Enhanced Definition | Class/ Datatype | Codes | Pattern |
OBEventPollingResponse | 1..1 | OBEventPollingResponse |
| OBEventPollingResponse |
moreAvailable | 1..1 | OBEventPollingResponse/moreAvailable | A JSON boolean value that indicates if more unacknowledged event notifications are available to be returned. | Boolean |
sets | 1..1 | OBEventPollingResponse/sets | A JSON object that contains zero or more nested JSON attributes. If there are no outstanding event notifications to be transmitted, the JSON object SHALL be empty. | OBEventPollingResponse/sets |
<jti> | 0..n | OBEventPollingResponse/sets/<jti> | An object named with the | OBEventPollingResponse/sets/<jti> |
Usage Example
Note for the sake of readability the SETs shown in examples are shorted.
Poll Only
1 POST Events Request
2 POST Event Response
Code Block |
Acknowledge Only
1 POST Events Request
2 POST Event Response
Code Block |
POST and Acknowledge with Errors
1 POST Events Request
2 POST Events Response