Name | Occurrence | XPath | Definition | Class | Codes | Pattern |
OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse |
| OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse |
| OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse |
Data | 1..1 | OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse/Data |
| OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse/Data |
PaymentStatus | 0..n | OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse/Data/PaymentStatus | Payment status details. | OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse/Data/PaymentStatus |
PaymentTransactionId | 1..1 | OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse/Data/PaymentStatus/PaymentTransactionId | Unique identifier for the transaction within a servicing institution. This identifier is both unique and immutable.
| String |
Status | 1..1 | OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse/Data/PaymentStatus/Status | Status of a transfer, as assigned by the transaction administrator.
| String | Enum:
StatusUpdateDateTime | 1..1 | OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse/Data/PaymentStatus/StatusUpdateDateTime | Date and time at which the status was assigned to the transfer. All dates in the JSON payloads are represented in ISO 8601 date-time format. | DateTime |
StatusDetail | 0..1 | OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse/Data/PaymentStatus/StatusDetail | Payment status details as per underlying Payment Rail.
| OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse/Data/PaymentStatus/StatusDetail |
LocalInstrument | 0..1 | OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse/Data/PaymentStatus/StatusDetail/LocalInstrument | This element is used to specify a local instrument, local clearing option and/or further qualify the service or service level.
| String | Enum:
Status | 1..1 | OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse/Data/PaymentStatus/StatusDetail/Status | Status of a transfer, as assigned by the transaction administrator.
| String |
| 0..1 | OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse/Data/PaymentStatus/StatusDetail/StatusReason
| Reason Code provided for the status of a transfer. | String | Enum:
StatusReasonDescription | 0..1 | OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse/Data/PaymentStatus/StatusDetail/ StatusReasonDescription | Reason provided for the status of a transfer.
| String |
Usage Example
4.1 POST /domestic-payments
4.1.1 Request
4.1.2 Response
4.2 GET /domestic-payments/{DomesticPaymentId}
4.2.1 Request
4.2.2 Response