Name | Occurrence | XPath | Definition | Class/ Datatype | Codes | Pattern |
OBEventSubscriptionsResponse |
| OBEventSubscriptionsResponse |
| OBEventSubscriptionsResponse |
Data | 1..1 | OBEventSubscriptionsResponse/Data |
| OBEventSubscriptionsResponse/Data |
EventSubscription | 0..n | OBEventSubscriptionsResponse/Data/EventSubscription |
| OBEventSubscriptionsResponse/Data/EventSubscription |
EventSubscriptionId | 1..1 | OBEventSubscriptionsResponse/Data/EventSubscription/EventSubscriptionId | Unique identification as assigned by the ASPSP to uniquely identify the callback url resource. | String |
Url | 0..1 | OBEventSubscriptionsResponse/Data/EventSubscription/Url | Callback URL for an AISP/ PISP hosted service. Will be used by ASPSPs, in conjunction with the resource name, to construct a URL to send event notifications to. | String:URI |
Version | 1..1 | OBEventSubscriptionsResponse/Data/EventSubscription/Version | Version for the event notification. | String |
EventTypes | 0..n | OBEventSubscriptionsResponse/Data/EventSubscription/EventTypes | Array of event types the subscription applies to. | Array:String |
The swagger code for the Event Subscription API can be found on this link.
Usage Example
4.1 Create Event Subscription
4.1.1 POST Event Subscription Request
4.1.2 POST Event Subscription Response
4.2 GET Event Subscriptions
4.2.1 GET Event Subscription Request
4.2.2 GET Event Subscription Response