Name | Occurrence | XPath | Definition | Class/ Datatype | Codes | Pattern |
OBEventPollingResponse | 1..1 | OBEventPollingResponse | | OBEventPollingResponse | | |
moreAvailable | 1..1 | OBEventPollingResponse/moreAvailable | A JSON boolean value that indicates if more unacknowledged event notifications are available to be returned. | Boolean | | |
sets | 1..1 | OBEventPollingResponse/sets | A JSON object that contains zero or more nested JSON attributes. If there are no outstanding event notifications to be transmitted, the JSON object SHALL be empty. | OBEventPollingResponse/sets | | |
<jti> | 0..n | OBEventPollingResponse/sets/<jti> | An object named with the jti of the event notification to be delivered. The value is the event notification, expressed as a string. The payload of the event should be defined in the OBEventNotification format. | OBEventPollingResponse/sets/<jti> | | |
The swagger code for the Events API can be found on this link.
Usage Example
Note for the sake of readability the SETs shown in examples are shorted
4.1 Poll Only
4.1.1 POST Events Request
POST /events HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 7b99f6c331e841dab811176e25d57ca7
Content-Type: application/json
x-fapi-interaction-id: 1af4c0e6b5da49f6b1aebf439e87c199
{ "returnImmediately": true }
4.1.2 POST Event Response
POST /events HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json x-fapi-interaction-id: 1af4c0e6b5da49f6b1aebf439e87c199
{ "sets": { "b6a68c1db7fc4c178fd7d8a41b9ef85c": "eyJhbG...NEysZ4", "2644f8cbc8294325ad103ddfc4a5b15d": "eyJhbG...Qssw5c", "1fd954d5fb964afb97deee232bb88d1f": "eyJhbG...9kogfI" }, "moreAvailable": false }
4.2 Acknowledge Only
4.2.1 POST Events Request
POST /events HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer 7b99f6c331e841dab811176e25d57ca7 Content-Type: application/json x-fapi-interaction-id: 295f6c6c7b2045b2a3e91e4f1c31d681
{ "maxEvents": 0,
"ack": [ "b6a68c1db7fc4c178fd7d8a41b9ef85c" ] }
4.2.2 POST Event Response
POST /events HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json x-fapi-interaction-id: 295f6c6c7b2045b2a3e91e4f1c31d681
4.3 POST and Acknowledge with Errors
4.3.1 POST Events Request
POST /events HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer 7b99f6c331e841dab811176e25d57ca7 Content-Type: application/json x-fapi-interaction-id: 3fc0df586e45404abd5bbf1b23ce343d
{ "returnImmediately": true, "maxEvents": 1, "ack": [ "2644f8cbc8294325ad103ddfc4a5b15d" ], "setErrs": { "1fd954d5fb964afb97deee232bb88d1f": { "err": "jwtIss", "description": "Issuer is invalid or could not be verified" } } }
4.3.2 POST Events Response
POST /events HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json x-fapi-interaction-id: 3fc0df586e45404abd5bbf1b23ce343d