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The API endpoint allows the PISP to ask an ASPSP (Bank) to create a new domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents resource.

  • The POST action indicates to the ASPSP (Bank) that a Domestic Future Dated Payment Consent has been staged. At this point, the user/customer may not have been identified by the ASPSP (Bank), and the request payload may not contain any information of the account that should be debited.

  • The endpoint allows the PISP to send a copy of the consent (between user/customer and PISP) to the ASPSP (Bank) for the user/customer to authorise.

  • The ASPSP (Bank) creates the domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents resource and responds with a unique ConsentId to refer to the resource.


  • The default Status is "AwaitingAuthorisation" immediately after the domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents has been created.




If the user/customer rejects the consent or the domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents has failed some other ASPSP (Bank) validation, the Status will be set to "Rejected".

Once a domestic-future-dated-payment has been successfully created using the domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents , the Status of the domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents will be set to "Consumed".

The available Status codes for the domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents resource are:







The state model for the domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents resource follows the generic consent state model.


This section describes the OBDomesticFutureDatedInitiation class which is reused as the Initiation object in the domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents resource. UML Diagram


  • All elements in the Initiation payload that are specified by the PISP must not be changed via the ASPSP (Bank), as this is part of formal consent from the user/customer.

  • If the ASPSP (Bank) is able to establish a problem with payload or any contextual error during the API call, the ASPSP (Bank) must reject the domestic-future-dated-payment-consents consent consent request immediately.

  • If the ASPSP (Bank) establishes a problem with the domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents after the API call, the ASPSP (Bank) must set the Status of the domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents resource to Rejected.

  • DebtorAccount is optional as the PISP may not know the account identification details for the user/customer.

  • If the DebtorAccount is specified by the PISP and is invalid for the user/customer, then the domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents will be set to Rejected after user/customer authentication. Account Identification field usage:

    • Where the "BH.OBF.IBAN" is specified as the SchemeName in the Account identification section (either DebtorAccount or CreditorAccount), the Identification field must be populated with the full IBAN.

    • Neither the InstructionIdentification nor EndToEndIdentification will be used as the domestic-payment-consent resource identifier (ConsentId) as the ConsentId must be uniquely generated by the ASPSP (Bank).

  • Permission field is restricted to "Create", however, may be extended to "Update" and "Delete" in a future iteration of the specification.for cancellation of Single Future Dated Domestic Payment

  • LocalInstrument is the requested payment scheme for execution. This is a free-text field.

  • RequestedExecutionDateTime allows a PISP to specify the date for an ASPSP (Bank) to execute the Domestic Future Dated Payment


The domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents request contains these objects:


The domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents response contains the full original payload from the domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents request with these additional elements:

  • ConsentId.

  • CreationDateTime the domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents resource was created.

  • Status and StatusUpdateDateTime of the domestic-future-dated-payment-consent consents resource.

  • Permission field in the original request.

  • ReadRefundAccount field in the original request.

  • CutOffDateTime Behaviour is explained in the Payment Initiation API Profile, Section - Payment Restrictions -> CutOffDateTime Behaviour.

  • ExpectedExecutionDateTime for the domestic-future-dated-payment resource if created before CutOffDateTIme - the expected DateTime the payment is executed against the Debtor Account. If populated, the ASPSP (Bank) must update the value with any changes (e.g., after user/customer authorisation).

  • ExpectedSettlementDateTime for the domestic-future-dated-payment resource if created before CutOffDateTIme - the expected DateTime the payment will be received at the Creditor Account. If populated, the ASPSP (Bank) must update the value with any changes (e.g., after user/customer authorisation).

  • Charges array - for the breakdown of applicable ASPSP (Bank) charges.

  • Post successful User/Customer Authentication, an ASPSP (Bank) may provide Debtor/Name in the Payment Order Consent Response, even when the Payer did not provide the Debtor Account via PISP
