An ASPSP may provide this endpoint for AISPs to retrieve transactions that appear on the selected statement. The data model for the returned objects is documented in the transactions resource
2.5 GET
An ASPSP may provide this endpoint for AISPs to retrieve statement information for all accounts that the user/customer has consented to. This will retrieve the statement resources for all authorised accounts linked to the account-request
3.1.2 UML Diagram
3.1.3 Notes
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/statements/{StatementId}/file - to download the statement.
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/statements/{StatementId}/transactions - to return the transactions relating to a statementThe statements resource must only be used for data that can be returned for a statement period.
StartDateTime, EndDateTime and CreationDateTime are mandatory for the statements resource. If an ASPSP does not display these dates in an online channel, the ASPSP must populate these dates with sensible values. E.g., the StartDateTime could be the day after the previous statement EndDateTime, and the CreationDateTime could be the day after the EndDateTime.
3.1.4 Filtering
Limited support for filtering is provided on the statements resource
In the above situations, the ASPSP must return statements where the StartDateTime and EndDateTime are both between the fromStatementDateTime and toStatementDateTime parameters.
3.1.5 Permission Codes
The resource differs depending on the Filtering Examples
3.1.5 Permission Codes
The resource differs depending on the permissions (ReadStatementsBasic and ReadStatementsDetail) used to access resource (the OBReadStatement object). In the event the resource is accessed with both ReadStatementsBasic and ReadStatementsDetail, the most detailed level (ReadStatementsDetail) must be used..
The ASPSP must treat the following as valid input:
non-working days (e.g. a Sunday or a Bank holiday) or any other days on which no transactions are recorded
dates that fall outside the range for which transaction information is provided through APIs
dates that fall outside the range for which a consent authorisation is available.
detailed level (ReadStatementsDetail) must be used..
These objects must not be returned without the ReadStatementsDetail permission:
Calls to GET /accounts/{AccountId}/statements/{StatementId}/file
If the ReadStatementsDetail is granted by the PSU:
OBReadStatement/Data/Statement/StatementAmount may be returned if applicable to the statement and ASPSP (0..n)