Name | Occurrence | XPath | Definition | Class/ Datatype | Codes | Pattern |
OBEventSubscription |
| OBEventSubscription |
| OBEventSubscription |
Data | 1..1 | OBEventSubscription/Data |
| OBEventSubscription/Data |
CallbackUrl | 0..1 | OBEventSubscription/Data/CallbackUrl | Callback URL for a TPP hosted service. Will be used by ASPSPs, in conjunction with the resource name, to construct a URL to send event notifications to | String:URI |
Version | 1..1 | OBEventSubscription/Data/Version | Version for the event notification. | String |
EventTypes | 0..n | OBEventSubscription/Data/EventTypes | Array of event types the subscription applies to | Array:String |
3.2. Event Subscription - Response
The OBEventSubscriptionResponse object will be used for a response to a call to: