Table of Contents | ||||
1. Overview
The Domestic Payments resource is used by a PISP to initiate a Domestic Payment.
This resource description should be read in conjunction with Payment Initiation API Profile.
2. Endpoints
S. No. | Resource | HTTP Operation | Endpoint | Mandatory | Scope | Grant Type | Message Signing | Idempotency Key | Request Object | Response Object |
2.1 | domestic-payment | POST | POST /domestic-payments | Mandatory | payments | Authorisation Code | Signed Request Signed Response | Yes | OBWriteDomesticPaymentRequest | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse |
2.2 | domestic-payment | GET | GET /domestic-payments/{DomesticPaymentId} | Mandatory | payments | Client Credentials | Signed Response | No | NA | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse |
2.3 | Payment-details | GET | GET /domestic-payments/{DomesticPaymentId}/payment-details | Optional | payments | Client Credentials | Signed Response | No | NA | OBWritePaymentDetailsResponse |
POST /domestic-payment
Once the domestic-payment-consent has been authorised by the PSU, the PISP can proceed to submitting the domestic-payment for processing:
S.No. | Status | Status Definition |
1 | Pending | Payment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation is pending. Further checks and status update will be performed. |
2 | Rejected | Payment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation has been rejected. |
3 | AcceptedSettlementInProcess | All preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful and therefore the payment initiation has been accepted for execution. |
4 | AcceptedSettlementCompleted | Settlement on the debtor's account has been completed. |
5 | AcceptedWithoutPosting | Payment instruction included in the credit transfer is accepted without being posted to the creditor customer’s account. |
6 | AcceptedCreditSettlementCompleted | Settlement on the creditor's account has been completed. |
GET /domestic-payments/{DomesticPaymentId}
A PISP can retrieve the domestic-payment to check its status.
S. No. | Status | Status Definition |
1 | Pending | Payment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation is pending. Further checks and status update will be performed. |
2 | Rejected | Payment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation has been rejected. |
3 | AcceptedSettlementInProcess | All preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful and therefore the payment initiation has been accepted for execution. |
4 | AcceptedSettlementCompleted | Settlement on the debtor's account has been completed. |
5 | AcceptedWithoutPosting | Payment instruction included in the credit transfer is accepted without being posted to the creditor customer’s account. |
6 | AcceptedCreditSettlementCompleted | Settlement on the creditor's account has been completed. |
GET /domestic-payments/{DomesticPaymentId}/payment-details
A PISP can retrieve the Details of the underlying payment transaction via this endpoint. This resource allows ASPSPs to return richer list of Payment Statuses, and if available payment scheme related statuses.
Status |
Accepted |
AcceptedCancellationRequest |
AcceptedTechnicalValidation |
AcceptedCustomerProfile |
AcceptedFundsChecked |
AcceptedWithChange |
Pending |
Rejected |
AcceptedSettlementInProcess |
AcceptedSettlementCompleted |
AcceptedWithoutPosting |
AcceptedCreditSettlementCompleted |
Cancelled |
NoCancellationProcess |
PartiallyAcceptedCancellationRequest |
PartiallyAcceptedTechnicalCorrect |
PaymentCancelled |
PendingCancellationRequest |
Received |
RejectedCancellationRequest |
4 State Model
2.4.1 Payment Order
The state model for the domestic-payment resource follows the behaviour and definitions for the ISO 20022 PaymentStatusCode code-set.
3. Data Models
Reused Classes
The data dictionary section gives the detail on the payload content for the Domestic Payment API flows
1 OBDomesticPaymentInitiation
This section describes the OBDomesticPaymentInitiation class which is reused as the Initiation object in the domestic-payment-consent resource
2 Domestic Payment - Request
The OBWriteDomesticPaymentRequest object will be used for a call to:
Name | Occurrence | XPath | Definition | Class/ Datatype | Codes | Pattern |
OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse |
| OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse |
| OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse |
Data | 1..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data |
| OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data |
DomesticPaymentId | 1..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/DomesticPaymentId | Unique identification as assigned by the ASPSP to uniquely identify the domestic payment resource. | String |
ConsentId | 1..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/ConsentId | Unique identification as assigned by the ASPSP to uniquely identify the consent resource. | String |
CreationDateTime | 1..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/CreationDateTime | Date and time at which the message was created. | DateTime |
Status | 1..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Status | Specifies the status of the payment information group. | String | Enum:
StatusUpdateDateTime | 1..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/StatusUpdateDateTime | Date and time at which the resource status was updated. | DateTime |
ExpectedExecutionDateTime | 0..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/ExpectedExecutionDateTime | Expected execution date and time for the payment resource. | DateTime |
ExpectedSettlementDateTime | 0..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/ExpectedSettlementDateTime | Expected settlement date and time for the payment resource. | DateTime |
Refund | 0..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Refund | Unambiguous identification of the refund account to which a refund will be made as a result of the transaction. | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Refund |
Account | 1..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Refund/Account | Provides the details to identify an account.
| OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Refund/Account |
SchemeName | 1..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Refund/Account/SchemeName | Name of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list | String | Enum:
Identification | 1..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Refund/Account//Identification | Identification assigned by an institution to identify an account. This identification is known by the account owner. | String |
Name | 0..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Refund/Account/Name | The account name is the name or names of the account owner(s) represented at an account level.
Note: The account name is not the product name or the nickname of the account.
ASPSPs may carry out name validation for Confirmation of Payee, but it is not mandatory. | String |
Charges | 0..n | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Charges | Set of elements used to provide details of a charge for the payment initiation. | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Charges |
ChargeBearer | 0..n | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Charges/ChargeBearer | It specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction. | String | Enum:
Type | 0..n | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Charges/Type | This denotes the charge type in a coded form. | String | Enum: To be determined |
Amount | 1..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Charges/Amount | Amount of money associated with the charge type.
| OBActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount
Amount | 1..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Charges/Amount/Amount | A number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217. | String |
| ^\d{1,13}$|^\d{1,13}.\d{1,5}$ |
Currency | 1..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Charges/Amount/Currency | A code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds". | String |
| ^[A-Z]{3,3}$ |
Initiation | 1..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Initiation | The Initiation payload is sent by the initiating party to the ASPSP. It is used to request movement of funds from the debtor account to a creditor for a single domestic payment. | OBDomesticPaymentInitiation |
Debtor | 0..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Debtor | Set of elements used to identify a person or an organisation. | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Debtor |
Name | 1..1 | OBWriteDomesticPaymentResponse/Data/Debtor/Name | The account name is the name or names of the account owner(s) represented at an account level, as displayed by the ASPSP's online channels. Note: The account name is not the product name or the nickname of the account. | String |