The access tokens required for accessing the Account Info APIs must have at least the following scope:
accounts: Ability to read Accounts information
Permissions codes will be used to limit the data that is returned in response to a resource request.
When a permission is granted for a "Detail" permission code (e.g., ReadAccountsDetail) it implies that access is also granted to the corresponding "Basic" permission code (e.g., ReadAccountsBasic).
Account Access Consents with an empty Permissions permissions array
Account Access Consents with a permission code that is not supported by the ASPSP (APSPSs are expected to publish which API endpoints are supported)
Account Access Consents with a Permissions array that contains ReadTransactionsBasic but does not contain at least one of ReadTransactionsCredits and ReadTransactionsDebits
Account Access Consents with a Permissions array that contains ReadTransactionsDetail but does not contain at least one of ReadTransactionsCredits and ReadTransactionsDebits
Account Access Consents with a Permissions array that contains ReadTransactionsCredits but does not contain at least one of ReadTransactionsBasic and ReadTransactionsDetail
Account Access Consents with a Permissions array that contains ReadTransactionsDebits but does not contain at least one of ReadTransactionsBasic and ReadTransactionsDetail
Permissions | Endpoints | Business Logic | Data Cluster Description |
ReadAccountsBasic | /accounts |
| Ability to read basic account information |
ReadAccountsDetail | /accounts | Access to additional elements in the payload | Ability to read account identification details |
ReadBalances | /balances |
| Ability to read all balance information |
ReadBeneficiariesBasic | /beneficiaries |
| Ability to read basic beneficiary details |
ReadBeneficiariesDetail | /beneficiaries | Access to additional elements in the payload | Ability to read account identification details for the beneficiary |
ReadDirectDebits | /direct-debits |
| Ability to read all direct debit information |
ReadTransactionsBasic | /transactions | Permissions must also include at least one of:
| Ability to read basic transaction information |
ReadTransactionsDetail | /transactions | Access to additional elements in the payload Permissions must also include at least one of:
| Ability to read transaction data elements which may hold silent party details |
ReadTransactionsCredits | /transactions | Access to credit transactions. Permissions must also include one of:
| Ability to read only credit transactions |
ReadTransactionsDebits | /transactions | Access to debit transactions. Permissions must also include one of:
| Ability to read only debit transactions |
ReadStatementsBasic | /statements |
| Ability to read basic statement details |
ReadStatementsDetail | /statements | Access to additional elements in the payload Access to download the statement file (if the ASPSP makes this available). | Ability to read statement data elements which may leak other information about the account |
ReadSupplementaryAccountInfo | /supplementary-account-info |
| Ability to read all product information relating to the account |
ReadOffers | /offers |
| Ability to read all offer information |
ReadParty | /accounts/{AccountId}/party |
| Ability to read party information on the account owner |
ReadPartyCustomer | /party |
| Ability to read party information on the user/customer logged in |
ReadFutureDatedPaymentsBasic | /future-dated-payments |
| Ability to read basic statement details |
ReadFutureDatedPaymentsDetail | /future-dated-payments | Access to additional elements in the payload |
ReadPAN | All API endpoints where PAN is available as a structured field | Request to access to PAN in the clear | Request to access PAN in the clear across the available endpoints. If this permission code is not in the account-access-consents, the AISP will receive a masked PAN. While an AISP may request to access PAN in the clear, an ASPSP may still respond with a masked PAN if:
| Detail Permissions
The additional elements that are granted for "Detail" permissions are listed in this section.
Example behaviour of the Permissions for the ReadAccountsBasic and ReadAccountsDetail codes is as follows:
... Reversing Entries
It is expected that transactions will be returned in the payload irrespective of whether they are reversing entries, as long as the user/customer has provided consent for that type of transaction.
S. No. | Status | Description |
1 | Authorised | The account-access-consents has been successfully authorised. |
2 | Rejected | The account-access-consents has been rejected. |
3 | Revoked | The account-access-consents has been revoked via the AISP interface. |
4.3.3 Consent Re-authentication
Where there is no change in the consent parameters required, AISPs should perform a re-authentication / refresh upon the original consent using the same intent-id as before, instead of issuing a new, duplicate consent.
An AISP and Userthe user/Customer customer may have multiple consents at any point in time.