Step 1: Setup Event Notification Subscription
This flow begins with a an AISP/PISP creating an event-subscription resource with an ASPSP. This may optionally contain a callback url, and a series of event types.
Step 2: Deliver Event Notification
An event corresponding to one of an ASPSP's event types occurs on a resource.
Step 2a: ASPSP Sends Real Time Event Notification
AISP/PISP must have provided a callback URL with the event-subscription resource in order to receive the real time event notification.
The ASPSP sends a signed event notification to the callback URL, detailing the nature of the event and identifying the affected resource.
The AISP/PISP may optionally initiate a client credential grant to retrieve the resource using the details contained in the event notification.
Step 2b: AISP/PISP Requests Event Notifications
AISP/PISP may request event notifications using aggregated polling.
Step 3: Retrieve/Update/Delete Event Notification Subscription
AISP/PISP may Retrieve/Update/Delete the event notification subscription.
3.3 Sequence Diagram