This is done by making a POST request to the domestic-payment endpoint
This request is an instruction to the ASPSP to begin the single domestic payment journey. The domestic-payment must be submitted immediately, however, there are some scenarios where the domestic-payment may not be executed immediately (e.g., busy periods at the ASPSP)
The PISP must ensure that the Initiation and Risk sections of the domestic-payment match the corresponding Initiation and Risk sections of the domestic-payment-consent consents resource. If the two do not match, the ASPSP must not process the request and must respond with a 400 (Bad Request)
A domestic-payment can only be created if its corresponding domestic-payment-consent consents resource has the status of "Authorised".
This section describes the OBDomesticPaymentInitiation class which is reused as the Initiation object in the domestic-payment-consent consents resource
4.2 Domestic Payment - Request
The full Initiation and Risk objects from the domestic-payment-consent consents request
The Initiation and Risk sections of the domestic-payment request must match the Initiation and Risk sections of the corresponding domestic-payment-consent consents request.
4.2.3 Data Dictionary